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Monday, March 21, 2011


Ragini dipindahkan ke Lal Matti yang jauh bersma dengan suaminya yang seorang polisi, Dev Pratp Sharma, agar dia mampu menangkap seorang bandit, Beera Munda. Sesaat setelah itu hidupnya akan segera berubah saat dia akan diculik oleh Beera dan ditahan. Selama penahanan inilah dia tidak hanya mengetahui bahwa nasibnya akan diputuskan hanaya dalam waktu 14 jam, tapi juga alasan sesungguhnya dibalik penculikannya.

Pemain: Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai
Distributor: Prime Movie

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


BREAK KE BAAD adalah sebuah film yang menyorot sepasang manusia yang tumbuh bersama. Abhay Gulati dan Aaliya Khan telah saling mengenal sejak berusia empat tahun. Ketika berumur lima belas tahun, Abhay menyadari bahwa Aaliya adalah gadis untuknya dan persahabatannya berubah menjadi cinta. Aaliya Khan ingin menjadi artis dan ia tidak tahu apa dan siapa yang akan datang ke jalannya. Disisi lain, Abhay masih belum yakin akan masa depannya. Ia masih terus berusaha memenuhi rencana-rencana Aaliya yang tak ada hentinya.

Aaliya mengambil kesempatan dalam segala hal, tapi Abhay dapat merelakan egonya bahkan harga dirinya untuk Aaliya
Walaupun mereka memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda, hubungan mereka terus berkembang seiring perbedaan antara mereka. Aaliya ingin pergi ke Australia untuk belajar dan Abhay ingin memiliki hubungan jarak jauh dengan Aaliya, jadi diam-diam ia takut kehilanagn Aaliya selamanya. Mereka berdua memutuskan untuk melakukan yangmerka inginkan sekaligus menguji hubungan mereka. Setelah melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan, berdamai dengan kekecewaan, mereka bahkan saling kehilangan dan semakin kuat secara individual.

Pemain: Imran Khan, Deepika Padukone
Distributor: Parkit Film

the use code mixing in malay movie TIPU KIRI TIPU KANAN

          Tipu Kiri Tipu Kanan is a movie cooperation of three countries  namely Indonesia, Malaysia  and india. This movie used three languages Indonesian, malay and English. The movie tell about Wulan is a superstar who could not marriage in her  working contracts. Actually, Wulan has married with Rudy. They effort to hiding their married for wulan’s  carrier. One day Rudy moved working to Kuala Lumpur and then his boss invited Rudy with wife to dinner at boss’s home, but it’s impossible for Rudy. Finally him ask solution to Mr. Fix to overcome this problem. Mr. Fix order him to seeking a woman who pretend to be his wife.
          In the movie, some character combine three languages, this situation is bilingualism. According to Mackey “Bilingualism is the ability to use more than one language”(Mackey (1962:52). In the bilingualism , there will be many people changing the language. It depends on the situation. This case is know  as code mixing. The mixed from one language or variety to another  is called code mixing. The change frequently takes place while the speaker is doing a conversation for someone purpose.
          For our understanding, the writer takes example of the use of code mixing in TIPU KIRI TIPU KANAN. Look at the example below:
   (1)”well…kalau gossip itu betul. its mean company will report  me to the court dan saya      masuk Penjara lalu saya akan jatuh miskin. For you information ,saya sudah menandatangani surat  Perjanjian no marriage selama masih dalam kontrak
  “well…if the news is true, its mean company will report me to the court and I taken into   the  Cell and I will be poor. For you information, I has signed the contract letter that nothing  Prohibited to marriage for in contract.
(2). saya Sharif tapi call me Mr. fix
       I am Sharif but call me Mr. fix
          From the example above, we can see in data (1) and (2) mix three languages. There are Indonesian, Malay and English language. Both of examples mixed three languages in one sentences.
          According the writers opinion, they use code mixing because there are many social factors such as social background, education and participants.
          There are several reason why the writer chooses the movie. First. The writer sees the character uses more than one languages. And the second, the writer interesting why the character  use code mixing.
          And the writer has the reason why choose the malay movie. Because the writer sees Malaysia and india had been colonized by England. So, the malay and Indian people have habit to use English beside their native language.
1.2 Identification and Limitation of the Problem
          Nowadays, many people mix their language in speaking in their society. Sometimes they mix the language between national language and foreign language. In this movie, the character using code mixing in their speaking between malay language and English language. Indonesian  language and English language. In this research the writer limits him problem about code mixing malay language and English language used by some character in Tipu Kiri Tipu Kanan movie. But the writer focuses on social background influenced code mixing.
1.3 Formulation of the Problem
          The problem of the study can be formulated what are social factors, which influence the characteristic in this movie
1.4 The purpose of the Problem
          Based on the explanation above, the main purpose of this research is to describe the social factors influenced code mixing in Tipu Kiri Tipu Kanan movie.
1.5 Significance of the problem
          The writer hopes that the research will be useful for everyone who wants to analyze code mixing in the movie. It also gives contribution to the development of sociolinguistic research.
          Therefore, the writer also hopes this research can increase the knowledge between the reader and would be used for a reference for further research.


2.1 Review of the related Literature
       In this part, the writer takes some concepts and theories, which have relationship with this research. The theory which is applied in this analysis is Sociolinguistic.
2.1.1 Sociolinguistic
          Code mixing is one of the terms in sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistics which study  variation of language that is related to social variables. There are various opinions by linguist about definition of sociolinguistics.According to holmes ( in longman,2001:1) “ sociolinguistics is study the relationship between language and society” Sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and context in which it is used. Sociolinguistics related to social context when they are interacts one another in community.         In addition, Fishman ( in Nurhayati 2004 ) says :
   “ sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristic of language varieties, the characteristic of their function and characteristic of their speakers as these three constanily interact, change and change one another within in speech community”      
As a result, sociolinguistics discuss in social context and culture. The people who speak to  other people will think what language variation, which they used to share information. People will choose the wo)rd carefully according to whom they speak.         
2.1.2 Bilingualism
            The ability of a person who can speak two languages is bilingualism.  Accordin to lado ( in alwasilah, 1988 : 124 ) said :
“ Bilingualism is the ability to speak two language equally or almost equally which is used technically to refer to any degree of knowledge of two language by the same person”
            It can be concluded that people who live in bilingualism community have ability to use two languages without differences between native language and foreign language.
            Furthermore, bloomfield ( in Alwasilah, 1988 :124) said “ bilingualism is nativelike control of two languages” the people can use two languages like their mother tongue or first language in their community. The people have habit to use two languages when they interact with other people.
            The ability of a person to use one or more language as a means of communication in most situations. And to mix one language to the other if necessary.
2.1.3 Previous studies
            The research about code mixing has been done by writers Irhami (2004) from bung hatta university in her thesis entitled “code mixing used in advertisement Aneka Yess magazine”. She focuses to look the form of code mixing and she discuss the functions of code mixing used by advertiser in Aneka Yess.
            For example:
1.      Buat kamu yang kegiatan seabrek –abrek, pengen dong bisa tampil fresh dan wangi sepanjang hari..? marina punya solusinyanya nich
( Aneka 04 9-22 feb 2004)
2.      Nggak ada tombol rewind dalam masa pertumbuhan.
( Aneka 21 -9-22 okt 2004)
          After reading her thesis above, it can be seen that there is the different topic with the writer. In this case, the writer choose the topic about code mixing malay.ndonesian language and English language, which is found in conversation in malay movie Tipu Kiri Tipu kanan
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.2.1 code mixing
          In sociolinguistics, there are two codes that is used in speaking to the other people in society, they are code switching and code mixing language
          Code mixing is a change by a speaker  from one language or language variety to another one. According to Suwito “code mixing is a change from one code to another code or one language to another language”.
          According to Marasigan (1983:7) code mixing or code choice in this particular study refers to the use of two languages in the same sentences or discourse. However, studies on code mixing from one variety a  language to another variety of the same language were equally discussed since they also reflected social, cultural and individual preference.
          In daily life, we can find code mixing used by bilingual person. For example, when who person are using Minangkabau language in their communication. Suddenly, the new person comes and joins to communicate with them. But the hew person does not understand what language that they use. Then, they mixing their language to make the new person understand to accept to accept the new person in that situation. Moreover, Holmes ( 1992) states “when there is some obvious change in the situation, such as the arrival of new person, it is easy to explain to mix”
          Holmes ( 1992) explain that two types of code mixing is divided into : situational code mixing and metaphorical code mixing. Next, the writer will elucidate these two types. Situational
          Situational code mixing occurs when the language change according to situation in which         the participant find themselves. They speak one language in one situation and another in different language and social situation. For example, a girl and her friends uses code mixing Depend on situation and another topic.
What writer observe is that one language is used to a certain situation and another in an entirely different set. A shift in a situation may require a shift in language or variety. However , the    alternation from one to the other may be instantaneous. Metaphorical code mixing
          Metaphorical code mixing takes place where a variety is normally used only in one situation and a different kind of mixing because the topic is the sort which would normally arise in the first kind of situation. In brief, a change of topic requires a change in the language used. For example, a lecture and the student in college use code mixing. The lecture can change the code as redefine from serious to humorous.      
          Metaphorical code mixing has effective dimension. The people change the code as redefine the situation.
2.2.2 social factors
          Holmes (2001:8) states that certain social factors have been relevant in according for the particular variety used. In any situation, linguistic choice will generally reflect the influence of one or more of the following components, based on holmes(2001:8) :
1.      The participants : who is speaking and whom they are speaking to?
2.      The setting or social context of interaction: where are they speaking?
3.      The topic : what are they speaking?
4.      The function : why are they speaking? What is the language being used for?
          All factor above influenced the people in use a variety and language choice. For the reason sometimes they use one or more language in their speaking. The use of language can be influenced by situation for whom, what language used, where and what are talking about. These social factors will people in choosing the word in their speaking. They are basic components in sociolinguistics explanations of why we do not all speak in the same way all of the time.
2.2.3 Function of code mixing
            The function of code mixing used in movie. The function can be divided into many categories such as for greeting rejection, opinion, suggestion and emotional expression.
            According to Nababan (1984:31) sometimes the code mixing occurs when the speaker intends to show his educational status or his social class. Language mixing also used to express emotion, close personal relationship and solidarity. In additions Richard (1985:113) states that the purpose for which an utterance or unit of language is used, in language teaching function are often described as categories of behavior


                In this research, used the observed method in which data are collected an analyzed and connected base on the fact. In addition sodaryanto (1993 ) says : that there strategic steps to go through in doing the linguistic research, they are collecting the data, analyzing the data, analyzing the data and representing the result of the data analysis.
3.1 Source of data
                In this research, all of the data taken from Malaysian movie TIPU KIRI TIPU KANAN (2008) directed by Sharad  Sharan. The writer tried to find code mixing in each of dialogues in this movie.
3.2 Method and Technique of data
                In this research, the writer used observation  method. According Sudaryanto  (19993:133) observation method is observing the language that is used in the research. From this method the writer observes all dialogues that contains of code mixing. The data collected through some steps they are :
                1.watched the movie repeatedly
2.choose the dialogues that used code mixing in malay and English language, and Indonesian and 
3.writen and then make all dialogues in a paper or book
3.3 Method and Technique of data analysis
            In analyzing the data, the writer takes distributional method. Sudaryanto (1993:15) states that distributional method is determining tool part of the language itself and technique. there  are some steps:
            1.listened the all dialoques
            2.writen the data
            3.analyzing the data and make conclusion
3.4 Method and Technique of presenting the data
            According to sudaryanto (1993:145) there are two method in presenting the data analysis, they are formal and informal method. In this research the technique of representing the data the writer used informal method because in presenting data just uses words

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Newcomer " Harsh Nagar in always kabhi kabhi"

     coming soon....


A Slumdog Millionaire Goes Dancing adalah film selanjutnya dari percept picture company yang pernah sukses dengan slumdog millionare dan disutradarai oleh Shiamak Davar. Film ini direncanakan rilis pada tahun 2011. Sebuah audisi akan diadakan untuk memilih aktor yang akan memainkan tokoh  anak-anak kumuh. film ini juga akan menghadirkan 3 bintang bollywood yang sudah punya nama diantaranya shahid kapoor.ruslaan mumtaz dan kalki koeclhin

Dua Komedian Bollywood Bertemu Dalam satu Film " MASTI EXPRESS" Johny Lever And Rajpal Yadav

Release Date
February 18, 2011


Banner / Distributor
Brainwave Production


Rajpal Yadav
Johny Lever
Divya Dutta
Manoj Joshi
Razzak Khan
Vijay Patkar


Vikram Pradhan

Vikram Pradhan, Siddhanta Ashdhir

Imtiyaz Shaikh

Bunty Rathore

Shankar Mahadevan, Kailash Kher, Sunidhi Chauhan, Vinod Rathod

Background Music
Gulraj Singh

Dhananjay Kulkarni

Ajit Dandekar

Gaurav Meshram

Masti Express Movie Synopsis / Preview

Coming Soon ..

First Look " NAUGHTY @ 40 " Govinda and Uvika Chaudhary

Banner: Sishty Creations, Promodome Films
Color: C
Release Date: 2011
Language: Hindi
Genre: Comedy
Shooting Locations (City & Country): London (United Kingdom), United Kingdom
Producer: Anuj Sharma, Sandiip Kapur
Executive Producer / Co-Producer: Kiran Sharma
Director: Jagmohan Mundhra
Star Cast:
Uvika Chaudhary
Anupam Kher
Shakti Kapoor
Gurpreet Guggi
Smita Jaykar
Sanjay Mishra
Music Director: Monty Sharma
Cinematography: Kabir Lal
Choreography: Nimesh Bhatt, Pony Verma
Art: Jayant Deshmukh
Editor: Ashfaque Makrani
Publicity Designs: Able, Will
Story / Writer: Salim Raza
Coming Soon…

Shah rukh khan in hot scene